Mommy is really dropping the ball on updates since our birthday! She was going to take pics of us in our Halloween costume and next thing you's Valentine's Day! A lot has happened since our birthday. We dressed up as "Thing One - Thing Five", based on Dr. Seuss's characters Thing One and Thing Two, for Halloween but no trick-or-treating for us this year. Gianna dressed up as Doc McStuffins (pictures to be posted later).
We celebrated our first Thanksgiving, out of the house, (sorry, no pictures) with our cousins at their great grandma's house. We loved the fact that there were no gates and we could roam around freely!
In the beginning of December we took our first trip to the StrideRite store at the mall to get our first pair of shoes. Mommy called the store ahead of time to warn them that we were coming! Overall, it went WAY better than all the scenarios she had played in her head before taking us! A shout out to Ms. Karen and Ms. Sheila for going with us!
Emmy's new kicks. |
Addy testing out how well her shoes can climb. |
Gabby getting a head start on her shoe closet =) |
Cooper getting his foot measured. |
Riley- "Hey Coop, what do you think of these shoes?"
Cooper- "I'm not really a dark pink kinda guy." |
Riley checking to see if Cooper's shoes are the right fit. |
Christmas this year was a lot of fun since we had the family over this year to celebrate. Gianna couldn't figure out why there was a gate around the tree, but we thought she was being silly because doesn't everyone have a gate around their tree??? Daddy and Mommy are thankful that they hopefully had their first and last gate around the Christmas tree.
Emmy taking a drink break in front of the Christmas tree. |
We took our first family vacation last month. Little did we know that we would have fantastic weather the whole week and got to go swimming every day! We also got to play at a little park that was on the premises which was also fun! We got our slide skills down!
From Left: Gianna, Cooper, Daddy, Riley, Addy with Mommy, Emmy, and Gabby |
Riley |
Cooper sliding down with Emmy in tow. |
Lola helping Addy down the slide. |
Gabby having fun on the jungle gym. |
Gianna playing with Gabby and Riley on playground. |
After vacation all 6 of us got a cold. Then for everyone, except Addy, it turned into a respiratory type flu. We had to take antibiotics and Mommy had to give us breathing treatments. It was no fun! Gabby ended up with pneumonia, but just finished her 10-day round of antibiotics and is all better now. Except her molars are coming in now and it's a different misery for her.
However, Mommy was thankful that it wasn't stomach flu! That would have been the worst. Hopefully it doesn't come through our house anytime soon!
Mommy was also thankful that this was our first major illness in the last 17 mos.!
We got better just in time for Valentine's weekend. You can see how big we've gotten since our birthday! Mommy can't wait to find out our heights and weights at our 18mos check up next month!!
Happy Valentine's Day from GRACE plus One! |