Psalm 139:13-14

PSALM 139:13-14
"For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well."

Cutest Blog

Friday, August 24, 2012

28 weeks

Today is a HUGE milestone! I am starting my 3rd trimester. Not only that, it's a great feeling to know that I have disproved a few doctors who told me early on that I would probably deliver between 24-28 weeks and all the horrors of having babies that early.  I am truly convinced that God led us to the right physician, Dr. Elliott,  to get me through the beginning of our journey and following him to AZ was the best decision we could've made for the health of the babies.

The ultrasound today showed good heart tones and normal fluid levels. All my labs are still looking good. I'm just waiting for my Doppler on Monday to see how Baby D's (Addy) cord flow is doing. As long as I am physically okay, the determining factor of when I deliver will depend on how the babies cord flow is doing.

Normally at 28 weeks, they start the first round of steroid injections to help the babies lungs if they are to deliver early. The cons of that is that it starts making you have contractions and makes your blood sugar sky rocket so that you have to go on an insulin drip. Some people recover from this and some go into preterm labor and end up delivering. All of Dr. E's colleagues have been telling me that I would start steroid shots today. But he decided to hold off because he doesn't know if my cervix could handle the contractions and therefore I'd have to deliver in the next week. And because I'm doing so well overall, he doesn't want to rock the boat if it's stable.  He thinks I might start the steroids at 30 weeks, but isn't for sure cause he wants to buy me as much time as possible in case I go into preterm labor. Works for me! The longer I don't need an IV, the better.

Being in the hospital since July 23 has given me the opportunity to watch the Olympics 24/7. I was told at the beginning of my pregnancy that you could compare this type of pregnancy to running a marathon for 6-7 months.  I will never compete in the Olympics, however I feel like I have my own Olympics going on....physically. I have been inspired by the Olympics and therefore have broken down my last trimester to an Olympic event.

Now that I've reached 28 weeks, I feel like I've qualified for the semi finals. If I make it to 30 weeks, I will get the Bronze. If I make it to 32 weeks, I will get the Silver. If I get to 34 weeks, I will get the Gold. If I get to 34 weeks and 4 days, I will break the Olympic record. If I get to 34 days and 6 days (10/11/12), which is my ultimate goal, I will have set a new World's record.

Thank you for all of your prayers and words of encouragement so far!! It definitely helps me mentally as I know that every week from here on out will get more physically challenging and will push my body harder than I've pushed it before. I just have to focus on the end goal and know that the longer I can keep GRACE in, the healthier they will be!


  1. SO glad you found Dr. E and followed him to Arizona. He's the best!!

    You're doing great! Eat, sleep, grow babies!

    Love u!

  2. Congratulations Honey!! I am so excited to celebrate with you on the podium and the National Anthem playing in the background as you win your GOLD medal. You are doing great. Keep it up!!
